COBRA Show Creator Changelog

1.0.4 BETAFeatures we are currently BETA testing

  • AddedAbility to hide the waveform.
  • AddedAdded the ability to import an exported CSC Cue Report.
  • AddedAdded the ability to remove a channel from the audio playback and waveform.

1.0.4August 31, 2020 View Detailed Patch Notes

  • AddedSTEP events that are immediately followed by another STEP event or other non timed event will show a single blue dot rather than a dot with a tail.
  • AddedAdded data validation to the duration, lift time, and pre-fire columns in the cue table such as if a non-number character is entered.
  • AddedAdded an option to sort cue labels vertically rather than horizontally.
  • AddedAdded a What's New In BETA section. This allows users to see what bugs and new features are currently being testing on the BETA branch of CSC.
  • AddedA sample script file download has been added to the import page.
  • FixedFixed a bug that was causing adding a cue (in a STEP Event show) to not get the proper time offset applied.
  • FixedFixed a issue where sometimes updating the duration or event time of a cue, the waveform was not updated.
  • FixedFixed a bug that caused STEP events to sometimes be grouped with timed events in the waveform.
  • FixedFixed a bug where when displaying a timed event's event time, it would be off by 0.01 of a second.
  • FixedFixed a bug that was causing adding a cue (in a STEP Event show) to not get the proper time offset applied.
  • FixedFixed an issue where sometimes updating the duration or event time of a cue, the waveform was not updated.
  • FixedFixed a bug that caused STEP events to sometimes be grouped with timed events in the waveform.
  • FixedFixed an issue where shows would sometimes timeout loading and editing would take an extended amount of time due to having ALTERNATE 1 and ALTERNATE 2 events.
  • FixedFixed an issue where the auto-incrementing cue feature would not use lower cue values after a greater value was used.
  • FixedFixed a bug where users could not drag and drop STEP events if the show was imported into CSC.
  • FixedFixed a bug where the firework name would remove all characters besides the first character if that character was a number in Cue Labels. This only occurred after sorting the Cue Labels.
  • FixedFixed an issue where if a word was entered into the lift time column, that row would not be displayed in the table the next time the show was loaded.
  • FixedFixed an issue where Drag and Drop did not work on the import page.
  • FixedFixed an issue where sometimes when pasting values into the cue table, it would paste some HTML code.
  • FixedFixed an issue where when opening a show an error stating there was an issue uploading the file that was edited offline, even though there was no actual error.
  • FixedFixed a bug where occasionally, when selecting ALTERNATE in the event time editor, the preview event time would not update.
  • FixedFixed a bug where using the "Add Event" button in the cue table empty state (when no show is loaded) would add an event with the event time "Nan:Nan.Nan".
  • FixedFixed a bug where when importing a show would not work properly if the user did not have Excel installed on their windows computer.
  • FixedFixed a bug where after deleting a cue, then changing the audio file, brought the deleted cues back.
  • FixedFixed an issue where "undefined" was shown in the channel and cue column when importing shows that were missing a channel or cue value.
  • FixedFixed an issue with CSC trying to sort STEP shows by event time and improved sorting performance.
  • FixedFixed a bug that let users export a show that had a cue value of 0.
  • ChangedSwitched linking wikifireworks account error's to the new notfication style error, and added error codes.
  • ChangedIf CSC fails to update, CSC will try to update again after 2 days rather then 5 as it was before.
  • ChangedImprovements to how CSC determines when to go into offline mode.
  • ChangedCue table improvements. Including preventing the table from scrolling when committing actions such as inserting a cue above or below.
  • ChangedSwitched linking wikifireworks account error's to the new notification style error, and added error codes.
  • ChangedIf CSC fails to update, CSC will try to update again after 2 days rather then 5 as it was before.
  • ChangedEmail addresses associated with COBRA ID accounts need to be unique moving forward. Multiple COBRA ID's can not share the same email address.
  • ChangedPerformace improvements to deleting events especially STEP events.
  • ChangedRefined wording on at the top of the import page.
  • ChangedChanged how events are transformed into ALTERNATE events
  • ChangedHow STEP events are handled under the hood. This change will bring massive improvements and reliability when creating shows with STEP events.
  • ChangedUpdated the printer help page for printing Cue Labels.
  • ChangedWhen inserting a My Fireworks firework into an event, CSC will no longer insert the lift time if that column is hidden in preferences.

1.0.3June 1, 2020

  • AddedNow run all My Firework images through a custom image proxy, this will prevent and issue where the URL appeared invalid.
  • FixedThe waveform cue drawer will now properly take into consideration pre-fire and lift time when placing fireworks so that the pre-fire time is no longer hidden.
  • ChangedRemoved the ability for users to edit pre-fire and lift time cells on events that are STEPs
  • ChangedPrevented pre-fire and lift time from being rendered in the cue waveform drawer for STEP events.
  • ChangedAfter failing to auto-update, CSC will now try after 2 days instead of waiting for 5 days.

1.0.2May 25, 2020

  • AddedAdded more internal checks to help prevent “NEGATIVE” being shown as an event time. This was sometimes happening if CSC miscalculated the offset to apply to cues caused by STEP events.
  • FixedFixed an issue where channel 0 showed as a script error and would prevent exporting of scripts.
  • FixedFixed a bug where sometimes when inserting a cue above/below a cue under a STEP, it would show “NEGATIVE” as the event time.
  • FixedSmall UI and bug fixes.
  • ChangedInternal API will now calculate how much time is left for the user’s current license key and will add that on to a new key when activating it. 18, 2020

  • FixedFixed an issue where context menus on the last row in the Cue Table were obstructed and could not fully be used.
  • FixedFixed a bug that was causing the progress waveform to be behind the audio while playing.
  • FixedFixed a bug that would occasionally cause the edited value of a column to be added to the row above the one being edited. This only happened after adding a cue, then editing the cue right below the new cue.
  • FixedInternal fixes to Bug and Feedback reports.

1.0.1May 11, 2020 View Detailed Patch Notes

  • AddedAdded Show Date settings. This will be used for some upcoming features.
  • AddedAdded a loading indicator to feedback/bug reports while they are being submitted.
  • AddedAdded a Refresh button to the Audio file uploader/chooser. The button only becomes visible after uploading an audio file.
  • AddedAdded a warning if more columns are detected than are supported while bulk importing My Fireworks.
  • AddedAdded a progress bar while bulk importing My Fireworks.
  • AddedGreatly improved performance for importing My Fireworks.
  • AddedAdded the ability to use data stored for My Fireworks in Cue Labels.
  • AddedAdded the ability to add custom text to Cue Labels.
  • FixedFixed sorting issues with module reports
  • FixedFixed an issue where importing or editing a My Firework with a youtube embed url it would not properly grab the video id.
  • FixedFixed a bug where using the insert before/after context button would scroll the Cue Table to the top.
  • FixedFixed an issue where Feedback reports would not submit.
  • FixedFixed an issue that caused the Cue Table to go blank after deleting a cue.
  • FixedFixed an issue where Channel 0 was not being displayed in Cue Labels.
  • ChangedMoved Default Custom column preferences from the account tab into the events tab.
  • ChangedImplemented a new way of uploading audio files under the hood. This fixes an issue where uploading an audio file would be interrupted halfway through. This also allowed for a proper loading indicator with progress updates.
  • ChangedSplit the different Cue Label data dropdowns into sections.
  • ChangedImproved the sorting of cue labels.

1.0.0April 28, 2020

  • AddedMy Fireworks data can be used in cue labels
  • AddedAdded file upload percentage to loading bar while uploading audio file.
  • AddedAdded a new cursor option for selecting time on the waveform.
  • AddedAdded a Total Item Cost column to the product list report.
  • AddedImproved the product list report, including adding an estimated show cost.
  • AddedAdded link to the changelog from the Help Modal.
  • AddedAdded the ability to shift cues +/- in non-STEP shows.
  • AddedAdded the ability to change the order of cue labels.
  • AddedGeneral bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • FixedFixed a couple of issues with the cost field while editing a My Firework.
  • FixedFixed a bug that would break the product list report if a products category value was missing.
  • FixedFixed an issue where after editing a My Firework, the My Firework list did not take into account the selected sorting method.
  • FixedAn error will no longer appear when loading My Fireworks while offline.
  • FixedFixed an issue that prevented editing of custom columns on imported shows.
  • FixedFixed an issue that occasionally caused inserting cues to be out of order.
  • ChangedImproved sorting of cue labels
  • ChangedImproved performance for bulk importing My Fireworks
  • ChangedImproved uploading of audio files
  • ChangedMade some improvements to the editing of My Fireworks, mainly with the cost field.
  • ChangedImproved formatting of the cost column's value in the product list report.